Updates and Creating Like Button

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A couple things have been wrapped up and a new feature is under development! I recently added a hover and click feature to my email in the footer to make it easier to contact me. When hovering over the email, the background will change color, and "Click to Copy!" will display above it. After clicking, an alert will display a message saying it was copied. I thought about getting rid of the alert because you have to close out of it, I don't like the extra step but the success affirmation I think is worth it. I'll revisit this in the future. The like button functionality is underway! The icon will be a different color based on the MUI theme. When clicked it will change to a red indicating like and a double-click will unlike. That is as far as it's gotten for now. I'm thinking I'll need to save a value in local storage unique to each post saving the state the button is in. As Mario always says.. Here we go!